Photo by Brad Judson on Unsplash Trevor is a teacher based on inquiry though he didn’t learn through an inquiry stance. During the first ten minutes felt like a yoga session, that there was a very proverbial sense to what… Continue Reading →
Photo by Ambitious Creative Co. – Rick Barrett on Unsplash When it comes to muscle building, I’ve heard many views on the best times and ways to train. The question I want to answer is: can there be multiple answers or is there… Continue Reading →
The strongest takeaway from this weeks lessons and content was seen in the power of PowerPoint. The ubiquitous nature of PowerPoint magnifies the potential it has as an image editing software. PowerPoint might not technically be the best tool, or… Continue Reading →
In order to answer the question as to when should protein be eaten, one must know how protein is digested. Protein is denatured (broken down) in stomach acid (1.5-3.5pH), and the bulk of protein is absorbed through the proximal jejunum, or… Continue Reading →
Dieter Beware! Many of the popular ‘fad’ diets, often temporary in their nature, will often hold claims either untrue or true of every other diet. Your skepticism should be peaked when benefits are followed by personal testimony or anecdote. Some… Continue Reading →
This week we had the pleasure of learning from Rich McCue for the second time. This time he showed us some tools in regards to multimedia creation. I was made aware of some open source software that can be used… Continue Reading →
During our weekly EDTECH class at uVic we had the opportunity to listen to Jesse, his website can be found here: I found the talk to be insightful on the powerful tool that technology is and the social context… Continue Reading →
A statement that is often made around those environmentally conscious is: flying is more polluting than driving, so drive if you can. I will attempt to challenge this claim and find out what the true cost carbon cost of travelling… Continue Reading →
I appreciate the information regarding copyright and teaching materials. “The Copyright Act provides that it is not an infringement of copyright todeal with a work for the purposes of research, private study, criticism,review, news reporting, education, satire, and parody, provided… Continue Reading →
When the students were talking with the instructor (2) they asked the students if they wanted to be successful in life or go to college and the students said they wanted to go to college. This is a pretty big… Continue Reading →
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