Dealing with Misinformation in Regards to Health, Nutrition, and Environmental Science

Author troymcclure

The Inquiry Process

I’d like to reflect on a rather a concept I’ve recently learned in this semester, that is an inquiry based approach to learning. This inquiry process has been talked about extensively during our semester including during ED336. Learning through inquiry… Continue Reading →

Preventing DM

If you’re like me, you’ve probably heard a passing comment like, “oh you shouldn’t eat that you’ll get DM (Diabetes Miletus)”. Is this comment backed with real research? I’d like to explain briefly the mechanism in which people get DM…. Continue Reading →

Education in 2040

I believe that learning will continue to be distributed further and further outside of a physical space, and that learners will continue to have greater and greater access to quality educational materials. I predict that teachers will have a shift… Continue Reading →

Inquiry Based Schools

The science curriculum has changed recently, moving away from memorizing content and more towards building skills or competencies. Though this change is reflected within the science curriculum of B.C. it is also being more widely appreciated within other subject areas… Continue Reading →

Esquimalt Observations and Ed Tech

Photo by Julentto Photography on Unsplash Throughout this fall semester I’ve had the opportunity to observe, listen, reflect and learn from the students at Esquimalt high, during this process I’ve been able to see many aspects of technology. I’d like… Continue Reading →

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Photo courtesy of CDC on Unsplash When you hear of the words titled above most people think yoghurt and pills. This is pretty accurate in a sense of where they come from but from my recent conversations I have noticed… Continue Reading →


Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash The following is a summary of in which the roles of vitamins on energy levels are depicted. The goal of this is to provide more insight on the usefulness of taking many vitamin… Continue Reading →

What is the Role of Cell Phones in the Classroom?

Featured photo courtesy of Adem AY on Unsplash in collaboration with three other future teachers. Podcast: here we discuss amongst each other our significant findings in regards to cell phone use within classrooms. Positive Integration of Cell Phones within the… Continue Reading →

Reflecting on Tools in 336

Throughout editing videos, screencast, making a podcast, using canva, using twine, reviewing copyright. Looking back on the tools touched upon in 336 there I realized I have been equipped with many basic skill relating to technology such as: editing video,… Continue Reading →

Accessibility and Inclusion

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash We had the pleasure of hearing from a speaker who helps with BCEdAcess in one of our lessons where she shared her unique perspective on how school systems deal with learning disabilities and lack of… Continue Reading →

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